Stained Concrete Floors
According to recent statistics, approximately eight million people in the United States alone now work from home full-time. That number isn’t counting others who split their working hours between a home and business office. Not only is it important to have the right setup as far as furniture, equipment, and storage, but also a comfortable environment. One way to accomplish that is by choosing stained concrete floors.
Especially if you have a home office where you visit with potential and current clients, you want to present yourself and your business in the best light possible. The floor serves as the foundation on which to create everything else. For that reason, you want to start by focusing on the right flooring system. Sure, you have many other options, but stained concrete will give your home office a distinct look of sophistication and professionalism.
For this, you have two possibilities. The first is a water-based product. While there’s nothing wrong with this choice, if your goal is to make your office more sophisticated, you might want to focus primarily on the second option – an acid-based product. With this stained concrete application, the results will surpass your expectations.

Acid Stain on Concrete Floor
One benefit of choosing an acid stained concrete floor has to do with color. You can select from a broad range of options, with the majority of them in more vibrant hues. However, what makes an acid-stained flooring system unique is that there are no two alike. The reason is that the acid penetrates the concrete surface where it reacts to specific compounds. With that, you’ll end up with a marbled effect that no one can duplicate.
Beyond beautiful colors and designs, a stained concrete floor is easy to maintain. You can keep your home office in tip-top shape while investing very little time. This flooring system is also durable, long-lasting, and resistant to stains. Turn your home office into a space that both you and your clients enjoy.