Wall Spray is a cement-based overlay designed for both interior and exterior vertical surfaces. It offers a wide variety of finishes from a simple knock-down to a sophisticated faux Venetian Plaster. Wall Spray may be applied by compressed air spray equipment and/or by trowel. Restoration, repair, resurfacing, architectural accenting, and surface protection of existing cladding are all realized through Wall Spray. Typical
areas include retention walls, entry/accent walls, columns, gable ends, fireplace accents, and any other vertical surfaces or walls. Wall Spray is formulated to provide excellent bonding to new as well as existing concrete, concrete block, ICF, polystyrene foam, drywall, plaster, plywood, and even painted surfaces.
WallSpray Mixing & Handling
- Add 3 ½ qts. (3.3 liter) water, to a 5 gal. (18.9 liter) pail.
- Add SC Color if desired.
- Mix with a handheld concrete mixer, such as an Eibenstock model #EHR 20R or a ½” (12.7 mm) 450 – 600 rpm drill equipped with a cage mixing blade for a minimum of 15 seconds.
- Slowly introduce WallSpray into the pail with mixer running.
- Scrape side of pail with a margin trowel to ensure all dry product is incorporated into the wet mix.
- Continue to mix for a minimum of 1 minute after all ingredients are combined to achieve a lump-free consistency. Additional water may be added up to a total of 4 qt. (3.8 liter) water to 1 – 40 lb. (18.1 kg) bag.
Product Attributes
MIXING RATIO | 3.5 to 4 qts. (3.3—3.8 liter) water to 1 – 40 lb. (18.1 kg) bag of Wall Spray (
COVERAGE | Depends upon application and substrate 1 – 40 lb. (18.1 kg) bag @ ¼”(6.35 mm) = 28-30 ft² (2.6—2.8 m²)
DENSITY | 121 pounds/ft³ (1938 kg/m³)
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ASTM C-109 | 28 day 2870 PSI (19788 kPa)
FLEXURAL STRENGTH ASTM C-348 | 28 day 950 PSI (6550 kPa)
TENSILE STRENGTH ASTM C-190 | 28 day 140 PSI (965 kPa)
ABRASION RESISTANCE | 28 days %loss –500 cycles – <.40%
MOSAIC SHEAR ANSI A-118.4 | 28 day 275 PSI (1896 kPa)