Wall Stamp™ is a lightweight, single component cement-based overlay designed for both interior and exterior vertical surfaces. When stamped the texture can resemble an array of designs: cut stone, random stone, brick, slate, etc. Alternatively Wall Stamp may be textured and “cut” freehand. It offers restoration, repair, resurfacing, and architectural accenting of existing vertical surfaces. Typical areas include retention walls, entry/accent walls, columns, gable ends, fireplace accents, and any other vertical surface or wall.
Wall Stamp is formulated to provide excellent bonding to new as well as existing concrete, concrete block, ICF, polystyrene foam, drywall, plaster, plywood, and even painted surfaces.
WallStamp Mixing & Handling
- Add 5 qts. (4.7 liters) water, to a 5 gal. (18.9 liter) pail.
- Add Color Pack if desired.
- Mix with a handheld concrete mixer, such as an Eibenstock model #EHR 20R or a ½” (12.7 mm) 450 – 600 rpm drill equipped with a cage mixing blade for a minimum of 15 seconds.
- Slowly introduce Wall Stamp into the pail with mixer running.
- Scrape side of pail with a margin trowel to ensure all dry product is incorporated into the wet mix.
- Continue to mix for a minimum of 1 minute after all ingredients are combined to achieve a lump-free consistency. Additional water may be added up to a total of 6 qt. (5.7 liters) water to 1 – 40 lb. (18.1 kg) bag.