XS Precast Slurry is a single component cement-based mix formulated to fill pinholes and voids in XS products or any precast concrete where a smooth finish is desired. When combined with XS Color and/or SC Color color packs, it allows design elements to match, complement, or contrast with
the concrete piece.
MIXING RATIO | Approximately 4 parts dry volume XS Precast Slurry to 1 part water
COVERAGE | Depends upon application and substrate 3.5 lb (1.59 kg) Jar of XS Precast Slurry = approximately 65 in³ (1300 cm³)
DENSITY | 126.1 pounds/ft³ (2018kg/m³)
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ASTM C-109 | 28 day 4278 PSI (29495 kPa)
FLEXURAL STRENGTH ASTM C-348 | 28 day 995 PSI (6860 kPa)
TENSILE STRENGTH ASTM C-190 | 28 day 440 PSI (3033 kPa)
ABRASION RESISTANCE ASTM D-4060 | 28 days <.50%
MOSAIC SHEAR ANSI A-118.4 | 28 day 280 PSI (1930 kPa)
Mixing and Handling
- Estimate quantity of mix required, allowing for possible future touch-ups.
- Add a portion of dry Color Pack if desired to dry mix and stir in thoroughly.
- Set aside some of dry mix for possible future touch-ups.
- Estimate quantity of water required, < ¼ of dry mix volume to be used.
- Slowly introduce XS Slurry into a vessel containing premeasured water and mix by hand or with cordless drill equipped with a jiffy-style mixer.
- Add additional water as desired, should be approximately tile grout consistency.
Slurry Coat
- All voids and pinholes to be slurried must be dry.
- Rub and push slurry with a gloved hand into all voids and pinholes.
- Entire piece must be slurried to maintain color consistency.
- Remove excess slurry while still malleable with a plastic Bondo knife.
- Allow to dry to the touch.
- Several lifts of Xtreme Slurry may be required for especially rough textures.
- Sand away excess dried slurry with orbital sander equipped with 200 – 400 grit sand paper or diamond pad.