SureCrete’s SureTique™ contains a specially formulated releasing agent that forms a barrier between the stamping tools and wet concrete to allow the release of stamping tools. In addition to releasing agents, powder release contains integrated iron oxide pigments that simultaneously provide a secondary accent color to the concrete surface. As a dry shake material, it is broadcast directly on top of concrete to be stamped. It is recommended only for stamped concrete, as opposed to stamp overlay. SureTique is fundamental to provide release for stamping tools from concrete. The moisture barrier prevents the stamping tools from creating “puckers” at the surface that greatly detract from the finished product. SureTique will provide the rich contrast between the concrete’s base color and the release’s secondary color.
The resultant two tone adds to the realistic look and desired antique effect for many different patterns. The grout lines of grouted patterns will always reflect the powder release color in the preferred sharp contrast to the more dominant base color. Customarily the most realistic coloring is achieved through the application of a darker powder release color than the base color of the concrete.
Attention to sufficient masking is mandatory. The airborne fine dust of powder release can contaminate surrounding areas. Protect all applicators with nuisance dust masks, goggles, and chemical resistant gloves. Use caution. The slab is ready when the final troweling prior to stamping (no bleed water). Loosen and “fluff-up” SureTique in the pail prior to broadcasting. A mason’s brush serves as an efficient broadcasting tool. Lightly dust the stamping tools at the start of work. Broadcast SureTique in a sweeping or casting motion evenly across the area to be stamped. Only broadcast enough powder release to stay a row or two ahead of the stamping tools. Avoid clumping.
Coverage rate is approximately 1,000 ft² (92.9 m²) per 33 lb. (15 kg) pail. After the slab is sufficiently cured, carefully sweep up and contain excess powder
release. Rinse the remaining excess with hose equipped with trigger nozzle and soft broom. Keep masking in place during clean-up. Best results are achieved by leaving the release color in the lower recesses of patterns, especially grout lines. On the other hand, sufficient release must be removed to allow the subsequent sealer to adhere to the finished product.